Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Passion was AWESOME!!!!
4000 ppl from all over the nation gathered at One place
to worship the One God we all adore....
Isn't it Amazing??!!
I was drowned in His overflowing Presence...
I worshipped like never before....
I was completely amazed by Him
All praise & Glory to God!!!!

oh, did u know my lil SIS was there too??!!

Look at the size of the crowd
Louie Giglio, the conference speaker
Charlie Hall, worship leader

Chris Tomlin was there too to lead worship
All fired up for Jesus Our King

I may be one tiny dot on the face of the earth but
i'm gonna make myself COUNT for this GENERATION
and for MALAYSIA
dats there i'm running towards to
- To be a fruitcake for God's kingdom-
Yes Lord!!

What are YOU going to do for this generation??

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