Sunday, November 23, 2008

Always gonna show up...

McDreamy : I was a jerk. Sometimes bf can be a jerk. Doesn't mean you can stop talking. You get that i'm saying sorry right?
Meredith : You yelled at me for no reason and then you walked away. Now you show up here.
McDreamy : Ok this is how it works. We fight sometimes and somebody apologizes.
Meredith : How am I supposed to know that?
Mcdreamy : You have never done this before?
Meredith : No I haven't done this before.
McDreamy : Hhmmm...From now on, you can expect me to show up. Even if I yell, even if you yell. I'm always gonna show up ok?
Meredith : Ok. =)

-Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 13-

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