1. You need a roll of oreo biscuits and marie biscuits
start with crushing the Marie biscuits as fine as possible
(I used the Chili sauce bottle...you can try using your fist if u like)
5. Mix the crushed biscuits with the butter
6. This is how its supposed to look like after mixing
7. Next, compress the mixture with ALL your strength and ALL your might
8. Pour the cream cheese into a bowl (or a rice pot)
10. Blend well the oreo cream and crushed oreo biscuit with the cream cheese
12. Leave the cake in the fridge
Wonder how did mine go??
(The bday boy was forced to take pic with my masterpiece)
Lesson No 1 - Looks can be Deceiving!!!
My cheesecake turned out too salty =(
Can anyone tell me wats missing???
hhahaahaha.. you didnt add in sugar lar ^^
did u use sugar, gelatine, vanilla essence for ur recipe? what did u do with the oreo biscuits? since u used the marie biscuits as ur base.if i'm not wrong marie biscuits is a little salty one is it?ooh ya.. mebbe u should try using whipped cream for ur next recipe :)
Maybe can try adding lemon?
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