Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some say love is painful...

Some say the more you care for someone,
the more prone you are to getting hurt.....
I say its very true.

We commonly hear this phrase
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but Words will never hurt me
Is that really true? Or izit merely to comfort ourselves?
For me, words can cause more pain than anything else
especially when they come from our loved ones...

The Bible says in Proverbs 12:18 NIV
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Many times, we say things we might regret when we're not careful...
We blurt out hurtful words simply to vent out our anger...
We become ignorant of our words when we indulge in our own emotions..
However, we fail to realize amidst all that how much our words hurt the other party...

Yes i believe everyone has the right to express their anger or dissatisfaction
Well what is more important is
Having the INTENTION to SOLVE the issue
Will mean and hurtful words solve things?

Love can be painful...
bcos those words hurt even more when we care....
like a sword piercing and twisting thru ur heart...

1 comment:

comedian said...

ppl tend to think less when they are not in good mood..if there is a button that hurt you, n another is dont hurt they will never press the hurt button esp ur loved one..n it is hard for a man to admit it in front of woman coz of guys natural ego.

Copyright 2009 iamjolin